5th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX 2022)
March 1st, 2022
The 5th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX) will focus on systems research challenges related to TEEs, and explore new ideas and strategies for the implementation of trustworthy systems with TEEs. The goal of the workshop is to foster collaboration and discussion among researchers and practitioners in this field. The rise of new processor hardware extensions that permit fine-grained and flexible trusted execution, such as Intel's SGX, ARM's TrustZone, or AMD's SEV-SNP, introduces numerous novel challenges and opportunities for developers of secure applications. There is a burning need for cross-cutting systems support of such Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) that spans all the layers of the software stack, from the OS through runtime to compilers and programming models.
Collocated with ASPLOS 2022 Lausanne, Switzerland — February 28-March 4, 2022